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Glimpses of Events Organised by the Crusaders – February 2025



Zone-wise Reunions of the Crusaders

The ACJM organises reunions for its members in Goa four times a year. Although the members meet regularly over Zoom for the online conferences held every Saturday, the reunions are much-awaited occasions that provide the Goa-based Crusaders with the opportunity to meet each other face-to-face and enjoy the Christian fellowship besides listening to the Word of God. These reunions are held each time in the major cities of Goa, that is Vasco, Panjim and Margao. This year, the South Goa Zone had its reunion on 28th January 2025 at the John Paul II Center in Borda-Margao, Vasco Zone had its reunion on 30th January at Pallotti Home in Vasco and finally, the North Goa Zone had its reunion on 2nd February 2025 at Lar de Estudantes in Panjim.




Conclave for the Leading Cadres of the ACJM

A conclave was held for the leading cadres of the ACJM in North Goa from 6th to 9th February 2025. These leading cadres are a step away from qualifying for the leadership of the ACJM. Regular spiritual formation is imparted in the form of various bible teachings, lives of saints, teachings of the Church, etc. The cadres at this stage are expected to be regular in terms of their sacramental life, daily morning and evening prayers, Bible meditation and reflection, daily rosary, taking part in the community activities such as celebrating common feasts in the association, certain novenas, occasionally taking meals together, sharing moments of joy and grief as members of the community, attending regular prayer meetings, involvement in diverse ministry work including evangelisation out-reaches ad missionary work etc.

Conclave for the Leadership of the Widows Ministry

The leadership of the widows ministry of the ACJM had their conclave from 17th to 19th February 2025 in North Goa. Such conclaves not only strengthen the widows through the Word of God and close fellowship, but they also provide them with a sense of direction in their lives after having lost their spouse.

ACJM Organises Open House Event on 'Knowing the Heart of St. Jeanne Jugan'

The ACJM organised an event titled 'Knowing the Heart of St. Jeanne Jugan' at the Gomant Vidya Niketan Hall in Margao on 23rd February 2025. Saint Jeanne Jugan is the foundress of an international congregation called 'The Little Sisters of the Poor', a religious order founded in 1839 in Brittany, France. The mission of the Little Sisters is to welcome into their Homes the elderly poor, abandoned and destitute, irrespective of caste, creed or religion, to provide them with basic necessities of food, clothing, shelter and medical relief, and to accompany them with love and devotion till the end of their lives. Currently, the Little Sisters of the Poor are present in over 32 countries around the world.

The event was graced by the presence of the successor of St. Jeanne Jugan and Mother General of the Little Sisters of the Poor: Sr. Maria del Monte Auxiliadora psdp - who came all the way from their world headquarters in La Tour, France. This is her first visit to Goa. She was accompanied by the Assistant Mother General, Mother Mary Rose. The Mother Provincial of India Province, Mother Mary Clara was also present.

The Little Sisters were greeted with loud cheers as they entered the auditorium. The program began with a welcome dance and was followed by the unveiling of the statue of St. Jeanne Jugan. Br. Marlon D'Cruz, the Coordinator General of the ACJM, spoke a little about how God can transform even a soul that is steeped in total darkness and cause it to serve Him. The life of St. Jeanne Jugan was shown in the form of a brief video clip.


Next, Br. Edmund came on stage to deal with the core of the subject of ‘Knowing the Heart of St. Jeanne Jugan'. He shed light on her deep spirituality marked by her love for Jesus, humility and sacrifice that has defied human logic through the centuries. He then went on to recount the first time he came to know about the Little Sisters and also his brief meeting with the Mother General in Bangalore, which by Divine providence paved the way for him to later conduct retreats for the Little Sisters in their Homes in India and abroad including the Headquarters in France. He then explained about the specialty of the Little Sisters, their vocation journey, their experiences, their way of life, etc. Following this were interviews of those who have been to the Homes of the Little Sisters in India and all across the world. Br. Marlon D'Cruz also narrated the testimony of Br. Edmund Antao of his miraculous recovery from a life-threatening illness through the intercession of St. Jeanne Jugan.

Next, Mother General Maria del Monte spoke on how to discern one's vocation. She also addressed a few questions asked by the audience. Towards the end of the program, Sr Anne Pepita also a Little Sister, narrated how she experienced her call.