The street-evangelization campaigns in urban areas consist of testimonies of life transformations, skits & audio-visuals. The preaching based on God’s Word is accompanied with Scripture passages projected on huge screens alongside live Gospel music.
They are presented from specially erected stages at public places such as public grounds, cross roads, road-sides, market places, beach sides, and other spots to which secular people have open access.
The aim of these is to reach out to those sections of people, who for various reasons, do not frequent the four walls of the Church whether Christian or non Christian.

The ACJM involves itself in Missionary Outreaches, particularly in North East India at the behest of the local Bishops. This form of macro-evangelization takes the form of composite teams being sent out from Goa to the North East, living with the people there, and holding prayer meetings & retreats at the various villages & towns of North East India.
The ACJM has thus far regularly held missionary campaigns in dioceses of Arunachal Pradesh, Darjeeling (W.Bengal), Sikkim, Kohima (Nagaland) & in Tripura.
The impact of these campaigns have been tremendous and teams from the ACJM now regularly travel to the North East to conduct retreats there, particularly for the youth, students and married people.

In rural areas, intensive village evangelization campaigns take the form of door to door visits, distribution of religious material, screening of the film of the Life of Jesus in the local language, talks on exhorting the viewers to follow Jesus, programmes presented (without a stage) at the usual local meeting place in villages in the twilight hours at such village evangelization programmes.
With the coordination of the respective Parish Priests, such village campaigns have been held regularly in several rural parishes of Goa, Karnataka and Maharashtra.

Media Evangelization
This area of mass activity has taken the form of dissemination of the Gospel through Christian literature, music and videos, in addition to producing short films and talks based on Biblical themes.
The material brought out by ACJM are broadcast-ed through TV Channels and social media. All this is done from a separate premise and under the auspices of what is known as the Crusaders Media Centre. This constitutes a separate wing of the ACJM devoted specifically to meet evangelization through the media.
The Media Centre also publishes the bi-monthly organ of the ACJM viz The Crusaders Voice & a monthly news bulletin, the Crusaders Herald.