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Online Retreat- Building a Christo-Centric Marriage


Session 1

First of all one must believe that HE is an All-mighty God. From this follow all other things. Listen well to this first session and make up your mind on this aspect after seeing the hard proof the Bible presents.

Session 2

Man falls into error when he tends to trust more in the wisdom of man rather than the wisdom of God as found in the Bible. History has shown this to be true. Check it out in this brief talk with proofs - Who therefore convinces you more?

Session 3
Living  A Christ centred Marriage - Part 1

Session 5
Living  A Christ centred Marriage - Part 3
The personal relationship of each spouse to Jesus is very crucial to living out a Christ centred Marriage abounding in  happiness not just in the beginning but  always even until death does them apart. 

Session 7
Living  A Christ centred Marriage - Part 5
When the marriage is not Christ centred watch here the Contra, & how the marriage becomes a self centred one and a living misery.

Session 9
The final session in this series of Living a Christ centered Marriage. Experience the power of the Holy Spirit - for man this is just not possible but for God all things are possible by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Session 4
Living  A Christ centred Marriage - Part 2

Session 6
Living  A Christ centred Marriage - Part 4
The personal relationship of each spouse to Jesus is very crucial to living out a Christ centred Marriage abounding in  happiness not just in the beginning but  always even until death does them apart. 

Session 8
Living  A Christ centred Marriage - Part 6
Dealing now with the tricky issue of handling finances & money matters in a marriage. Doing it the Bible-way.