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Glimpses of Events Organised by the Crusaders – August 2023




The Annual Konkani Retreat was organised by the Crusaders on 12th and 13th August 2023 at St. Therese Retreat House in Pajifond-Margao. People from various parts of Goa attended the retreat. Having been touched by the Word of God, many during the course of the retreat expressed their desire to listen to more of it. Currently, the Konkani members have their online prayer meeting every Sunday between 5pm and 6:30pm. In addition, prayer meetings are also held regularly at the Holy Cross chapel at Karewadda in Vasco city from 4pm to 5:45pm.


The Crusaders organised a 9-day novena to 'Our Lady Undoer of Knots' from 14th to 22nd August 2023 from 6:30pm to 7:00pm (India Time). Besides praying the novena prayer, the participants were also led into participating in a live-streamed rosary at Lourdesin France. Also, there was praise and worship and a brief meditation on the Word of God followed by online adoration.


Every year, the Crusaders organise a pilgrimage to Vailankanni in the month of August. This time, the pilgrimage was from 17th to 24th August 2023. Having set out from the Vasco railway station in Goa on 17th August, the pilgrims arrived early morning at the Shrine Retreat Centre in Vailankanni on 19th August 2023.

After having breakfast, lunch and sufficient rest, the pilgrims gathered together for Holy Mass inside the hall at the Shrine Retreat followed by screening of a video documentary brought out by the Crusaders on Our Lady of Vailankanni. Later, after dinner, the pilgrims were led in a candlelight procession starting from the Retreat Centre to Our Lady’s Water Tank site while reciting the rosary and singing Marian hymns.

On the following day, early morning of 20th August 2023, the pilgrims set out on a spiritual walk in two groups towards the Shrine Basilica. As they kept walking, they would recite the rosary and meditate on the Word of God. Soon after the spiritual walk, they gathered again at the hall in the shrine retreat centre for adoration. After breakfast, everyone proceeded to the Shrine Basilica to attend the Holy Mass in English. After the Mass, free time was given to the pilgrims for sightseeing, personal prayer, confession, rest etc after which they were required to meet inside the hall at the retreat centre at 4:30 pm for prayer, listening to the Word of God and participating in the online novena to 'Our Lady Undoer of Knots'. Following a small break, a Penance Session was conducted in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament. Some form of penance was done by the pilgrims so as to unite their pain to the suffering of Christ for the conversion of sinners.

On 21st August 2023, the programme for the day remained the same except that in place of the penance session, a Forgiveness and Inner Healing session was conducted. Pilgrims who came as a family had to wipe the feet of each other in a spirit of forgiveness. Also, those who had come alone had to wipe the feet of each other while imagining themselves wiping the feet of their family members back at home.  Many experienced a deep inner peace as a result of this spiritual exercise.

22nd August 2023 being the Feast Day of the Queenship of Mary, was a special day for the pilgrims. After the usual morning prayers and adoration at the retreat centre, and the celebration of the Holy Mass at the Shrine Basilica, everyone lined up for the procession in honor of Our Lady. Banners of Our Lady and a large-sized garland of roses were carried by those right in front leading the procession. Throughout the procession, the rosary was recited and Marian hymns were sung. The procession, which started from the front side of the Old Shrine and went round the shrine square finally ended at the side entrance to the old shrine. The garland of roses was placed in front of the main altar.

22nd August was also the day of departure for Goa. After doing last-minute shopping and packing of luggage, the pilgrims gathered together in the evening at the retreat centre to interact with the children from the orphanage run by Velankanni Helping Hands. After attending the final day of the online novena to 'Our Lady Undoer of Knots', it was time to bid goodbye to Our Lady of Vailankanni. Having boarded the train at the Vailankanni railway station, the pilgrims returned to Goa on 24th August 2023 filled with joy and enriched in their faith.