Course in Catechism of the Catholic Church
The vision statement of the ACJM reads as follows:
To make every Christian a Catholic,
every Catholic a good Catholic,
& every good Catholic,
a fervent disciple of Jesus Christ.
Over the last 25 years, the leadership of the ACJM has been undergoing regular and a Spirit-led formation process in order to achieve this vision. Knowing very well how important it is to be well informed about the Catholic faith before passing it on to others, the leadership of the Crusaders underwent a 5-day course in the Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC) this time, from 30th May to 3rd June 2022 at a place in South Goa. The course was conducted by Fr. Cletus and his team. At first glance, the CCC appeared to be a set of mere rules outlined by the Catholic Church. But as each one delved deeper into the articles contained in the CCC in the background of scripture and tradition, one could not help but feel drawn toward God even more. With each passing day, the Crusaders were led into discovering greater depth and richness of the Catholic faith.
Reunion of the Crusaders
After two long years of seeing each other only at zoom meetings on mobile screens, the Crusaders old and new for the first time gathered together in person in their respective zones (Panjim, Vasco and Margao) at the Reunion.
The Panjim Zone Reunion was held on Sunday 19th June 2022. Members of the Panjim zone got together at the Panjim church for the Eucharistic Celebration which was then followed by a fellowship program inside the Panjim Church hall. The sound of music, laughter and chatting filled the air from the time everyone stepped into the hall. A quiz followed by impromptu skits brought back joyful memories of the pre-pandemic days. Br. Edmund Antao addressed the crowd and then led everyone into a session of the infilling of the Holy Spirit. The program ended with an agape meal.
The Margao Zone Reunion was held at the St. John Paul II complex on 26th June 2019 and was largely attended by Crusaders from all over south Goa. The Holy Mass was presided by Fr. Jose Anton Costa from the Paroda Church. After the Mass, the fellowship program was held in the same hall. Even as the fellowship song began, everyone was beaming with joy. The music, humor-packed skits, a rapid quiz, address by Br. Edmund, the infilling of the Holy Spirit and finally the agape meal got everyone into the Christian fellowship mode once again.
The Vasco Zone Reunion at the Regina Mundi Hall in Chicalim on Sun 3rd July, saw a huge turnout of old and new members come together, mingle together and together allow the Holy Spirit to kindle the flame of the mission of ACJM once again. This Grand event full of joy began with Holy Mass presided by Fr. Rendall, sfx and Fr. Valentine sac. After the Pandemic years it was a come-back with music, skit & song as everyone relived memories. After the brief but joyful meeting of each other, everyone parted after taking lunch. Rev. Sisters from the Cluny Convent were also there.
The 'Glimpses into Genesis' is a most-watched online series organised by the Crusaders over the zoom app every Saturday at 6 pm, India time. A repeat show of each session is done on the Sunday that follows. Part 1 of the series was premiered on Saturday18th June 2022. Part 4 will be premiered on Saturday 9th July 2022. In the series Br. Edmund Antao delves deeper into the Book of Genesis.